Build Your Capacity

We at FOSTERING INDEPENDENCE firmly believe in the capacity and capability of each individual. We will be pleased to collaborate with participants, their families and support networks to move a client from a dependent user of services to people/individuals who are active, exercising choice and control and engaging in social, economic and civic life.

Capacity Building includes

Capacity Building covers a range of skill development and building programs which include:

  • Developing a daily routine
  • Learning how to access and use Public transport
  • Learning to dress yourself
  • Learning how to be safe and secure
  • How to improve health and wellbeing
  • Increased social and community participation
  • Assistance with gaining employment
  • Assistance with gaining education

We offer Capacity Building by collaborating with participants, families and support networks to work with participants to achieve their identified goals and build on their strength to make them more confident and to enjoy their independence.

Find Out More

We are a team of experienced occupational therapists, social and support workers that will work with families and participants to achieve their goals. Please get in touch with us at:

Choice and Control

We at FOSTERING INDEPENDENCE firmly believe in and encourage choice and control for the individual and their families when deciding how you want to arrange your care and support.

We listen and work with you and people who are important in your life to develop and provide person centred, flexible support that works for you.

Four Principles we are committed to:

⦁ Treating people with dignity, compassion and respect

To fulfil this principle, we always keep in mind that participants have their own thoughts, feelings, opinions, beliefs, and values, and these don’t suddenly become invalidated by their care needs. Respecting a participants personal qualities helps them feel validated and cared for much more wholly: both physically and emotionally.


⦁ Providing coordinated care and support
To deliver consistent person-centred care, you must coordinate with other health and social care workers and services. Otherwise, when clients move between services or carers, you have to rebuild an understanding of their personal wants and needs. In the interim, the client may not receive the level of care they need.

We ensure that personal needs are recorded in the participant’s care plan and made accessible to other care services/providers in order to maintain a consistent and reliable source of communication which builds a common understanding on how to deliver person-centred support and services.


⦁ Offer personalised care and support

Offering person-centred support as the standard approach may not work for all clients, and that’s why we believe in offering personalised, tailored services to each client as this allows them to be independent and fulfil their own choices, wishes and needs.


⦁ Enabling clients to develop their strengths and abilities to live their life independently

This principle allows for the client to realise their own potential and gives them greater control of their life and decreases their dependence on service providers.

The main aim is to develop the capabilities and skills of clients to make their own decisions and have a greater say in the services they require.

Accessing consumables

With the Consumables service, you will be able to maintain your day to day needs by accessing the items and services related to your ability to improve your mobility and live an independent life, which includes:

⦁ Continence products (pads, pull-ups etc)
⦁ Low-cost interpreting & translating devices
⦁ Food and Swallowing items such as water syringes
⦁ Home enteral nutrition (HEN) to get enough food or drink to keep you well and healthy

Accessing Public Transport

We at FOSTERING INDEPENDENCE will assist you to achieve your independence by accessing the chosen mode of transport to commute to your school, place of work, for leisure activities and more, which will help you to achieve your goals.

Assistance with community inclusion

We at FOSTERING INDEPENDECE collaborate with you to make a plan for social and community participation activities you would like to perform and join to engage and socialise with your friends and community. This includes:

⦁ Joining a local fishing club
⦁ Sports coaching and training
⦁ Attending a vacation camp
⦁ Attending Religious ceremonies
⦁ Participation in social causes
⦁ Performing Art and Crafts activities

Behaviour Support Implementation Plan

We at FOSTERING INDEPENDENCE committed to enhance the quality of live and bringing a positive change in the life of individuals by being consistent in our approach with implementing Positive Behavior Support process in close collaborating with Behaviour support practitioner, family and friends and more importantly following a person-centred approach by keeping the individual at the centre.

We follow PDAC technique, which is elaborated as PLAN, DO, CHECK AND ACT.

Our Process consist of six steps which are aligned and follows the National Disability Insurance Scheme (Restrictive Practices and Behaviour Support) Rules 2018.

⦁ Building a Behaviour Support Team

⦁ Person-Centred Planning

⦁ Functional Behaviour assessment
Functional assessment is a process for determining the function of the client problem behavior. Functional Assessment or Functional Behavioral Assessment (FBA) involves the collection of data (evidence-based strategies), observations, and information to develop a clear understanding of the